Monday, May 23, 2011

it's beyond your reach :'(

yesterday the smart tunnel was closed due to heavy flood and rain. yada..yada... that makes my route become more interesting than ever!GOD!!! stucked for almost 2 and half hours really spoilt my day. monday blues people. i put the blame on u mr monday!

i received a lot of sarcastic and annoying questions. i mean A LOT!!!! a simple question can turn out to be the most sarcastic question you ever heard. this time, i blame on PMS! taaaadddaaa.. sib baik bleh blame hormone!hehe. kdg2 org tny biasa2 ja. tapi i emo gilerrr... fuhhhh x tahan asal nak period ja sure emo tahap max..ahahaha..tapi kalau u all dok tempat i pun u all akan rasa benda yg sama.

last nite event really opened up my big eyes. yes.. hmmm.. nonetheless, i can't even describe my feeling towards it. frustrated?yes! sad?yes! i came home with sad face. watery eyes. that really shocked my hubby to death!-- hubby, thank u for making me laugh last nite after a-very-heart-broken strories!ehehe

if it was not my obligation, i am sure that i was not there. it is sooo hard to say NO. when u see something is wrong and u know it will forever be wrong, u shouldn't care-less. when Muslims started to ignore what is wrong and what is right, u should smell that everything will be wrong. may be your heart doesn't feel right. but life leaves you with no choice at the mo. just go with the flow. Allah knows what's the best for you. definitely. janji Allah itu pasti.

i know i feel discomfort with the issue. but no one would care! it is just me. i know i am in the same boat with this guy, but he is different. he is not part of "us".so he can make decision by his own. but me? i can't decide it. it's beyond my reach!

duhhhhh... of course you readers, do know nothing except my bebelness. my hubby knows the whole story. he responded lawak gila. he made me laugh!

p/s: i need some beauty sleep now. yesterday was a loooooong day for me.oooooo by the way, blog aku ni gila skit. i dah set to auto publish cerita pasal my 2nd anniversary. x publish pun! ciss!xpa la.. terpaksa la aku publish sendiri. tapi lambat lah sikit. sbb gmb anniversary celeb ada dlm memory card la pulak~~~~~


Farah Jasni said...

Ana dear,
Aku tak paham apa yg terjadi,but I guess ko mesti tgah susah hati and tersepit gile in situation.. Huhuhu.. Coincidentally,aku pon tgah dalam 'mood' yg sama babe.. Huhu..
Tak pe lah,mari kite sama2 mengharunginya dengan tabah.. hehehe...

Dr. Erna Masfiza said...

baru2 ni blogspot pening sikit, dapat info dr blogspot twitter , memang ramai yg auto publish tapi tak keluar.

maybe kena try one more time =)

anna said...

farah dear:::: nak baca blog hg!!!!uwaaa...dah xleh baca...uwaaaaaaa..stress kan farah bila tersepit dgn situation cm ni..haih...nak kata x boleh.. tapi seriously i love our iium environment.. islamic+modern!

er yg ku sayang:: tu la weiss... dah la dgn mood anniversaryyyyy gitu..kuikuikui!