Thursday, May 19, 2011

it's all about CAKE!!!!!

I can't miss these tv series! they make me gone mad! they are super creative, talented and risk taker. me and hubster really enjoyed this shows.

CAKE BOSS is focusing on royal icing+fondant cake. the cakes always turn out to be like a wall paper design. can u imagine a cake with full damask embroidered on the cake?? insane! plus the colors are damn good. xpenah la i tgk cake complicated mcm cake dia ni. I think he is an italian. His father own a cake shop long time ago, and he promised his dad that their cake shop will become a well-known cake shop in this world. see? he is super rich now.

DC CUPCAKE is different in term of their production. i mean they do cupcakes. not i whole cake. they even can arrange the cupcakes in guitar shape, bra, wedding gown and many more. it is not easy peeps when dealing with hundreds of cuppies. u need a plan. a huge one i must say! they are really genius! they made the frame and stick the cuppies on the frame. later they put the icing on the cakes. seeing is believing, so u need to watch this crazy series!they are sisters by the way. they are greeks! agaknya org2 itali and greek ni mmg hebat la in baking... bab2 masak i know mmg depa lah diva kan...rupa2nya buat cake pun depa hebat!

source :: google

last but not least.. hasil tangan yours truly...nak jugak weiss letak kat sini..mmg la x setanding DC CUPCAKE... hehehe..i love cupcakes so much! cuma now i really do nat have time to bake. satgi dgn sarah sekali datang "membantu"....teeheee


Afifah said...

Wah..sedapnya ana... tengok kek mcm nak terkam je..hihi tapi mesti sayang nak makan lawa2 cam ni hehe

anna said...

eh..hi fifah!!!ada blog jugak eh? welcome to my blog..

tu la..lawa sungguh la cake dia..kalau aku dapat aku simpan sampai berkulat...x sampai hati nak makan...

Dr. Erna Masfiza said...

cantiknya cup cake ana buat..mcm tak percaya ja..

anna said...

saja ja xmau komen cuppies kami tuuuu...

nnt kami amik gmb buat bukti!!!nantikannnnnnn

Dr. Erna Masfiza said...

tak dak entry baru kaa?

Afifah said...

Ana, hehe ada. Lama gak jadi silent reader blog ana hehe...