it was a very simple birthday party ever in this world but i was very happy to celebrate it with sarah in a very well condition (since last year she admitted for 4days after she turned 1) and my husband was there too with us.
sarah still didn't understand that it was her birthday that night. after she woke up from her evening nap, she was thrilled to see presents on the table.and of course, she ran far away when i came out from the kitchen holding a very yummy blueberry cheesecake that full with candles!**over maknya.. letak candles penuh cake!** dia takut tgk api..ahahahahha.. last2 mummy yg tiup!ahhahaahhhaha!!!benda yg plaing she enjoyed much that night mesti lah sbb bukak hadiah!tgk dapat microwave,pjs,vacuum cleaner bagai.. seronok betul.. mummy and daddy sgt happy tgk sarah seronok mcm tu..alhamdulillah.. even kecik je majlisnya, kami bahagia dgn cara kami. **even perancangan awalnya i nak jemput semua jiran2..hehe..tapi xsempat and x larat**
we planned to do a very minimal/simple birthday celebration later so that i can get to know my neighbors closely. but i am not sure whether i have time for do the preparation or not. I still remember last year, i bought a lot of papers and such for DIY birthday party,they ended up in box back in malaysia. selepas sarahs akit teruk, i xnak celebrate birthday dia dah last year. and sedar2 husband dah dapat surat pindah ke dubai. and what makes thing complicated now, i want to do everything by my own. **ntah apa2 kann?** nak buat kek sendiri,deco sendiri,nak masak juadah sendiri.. heh!cm hebatttt jek bunyi kannn?tapi larat ke tidak im not so sure..hehehe
so enough with that...on sarah's milestone: now sarah is very clever,talkative and super active one lil toddler. ya Allah.. dah fasih bercakap.hehe.. bila dia bercakap i see ME inside her.muka dia pun dah byk berubah.. kdg2 muka daddy.. now muka sebijik masa i kecik2 baya dia..mmg sama.....since before she turns 2 pun dah fasih berkata kata.. i pun xtau mana dia belajar **haaa..bleh plak statement gini ye?padahal maknya punya la ckp byk!**.. budak2 zaman sekarang sgt la cepat belajar.she is a fast learner and very observant. kita rasa dia xperasan apa kita buat n ckp,later dia akan tiru balik.. but in a funny way!ahahahaha!! dia adalah kawan baik i.kawan suka duka i.. hahaha! and i sgt suka anak perempuan..lepas ni dapat perempuan lagik pun best!!!!tp Allah bg laki ke perempuan ke i bersyukur.rezeki kann..
ok till then.. muahhhhhhxxx
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5 days ago
Ana... pregnant ke wei? Syoknya! Alhamdulillah!!!!! Sarah nak dapat adik dah, yay!!
not yet nana!hehehe!false alarm saja buat kecoh.. ahahaha!!!tiap2 bulan bajet diri sendiri mengandung aku ni..lawak pun ya.ahahaha.. period lambat 16jam pun dah kecoh kot.. poyo it is!ahahhaah
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