i have 2 good news to announce..(mcm la ramai noooo org baca belog mak ni nyah!)
yay!!!i am more than happy to receive the news:
1. hubby was safely arrived on saturday...he bought 10 black jubahs and 5 colorful jalabiya for..i love all of them!s i rasa pas ni mmg all the time la i melaram jubah!p kenduri pakai jubah..p shopping baru2 ni pakai jubah..dinner paka jubah..(siap ada org ingat i org arab)ahahahahaha....for sarah, he bought several velo suits from oshkosh..katanya xdak kat oshkosh malaysia..(mak confused nak percaya ke idok..hehehe)..thanx syg!
2.i got flying colors for this semester..alhamdulillah..syok..i am a mother of 1,a wife to wonderful husband,i travel 44km everyday from BBB to gombak so i consider my result is OVERTHETOP!!!ahahahahaah..poyo..seronooookkkkk sgt..i x berani nak check hubby yg check..lawak..tonite mil belanja bukak puasa yg special..yay!!thank u mak! i never thought that i can score as much as i did during my undergrad studies..i didn'y expect high for my result..dah cukup la klu pass..tapi Allah itu Maha mengetahui..lega..
i always believe...usaha,doa,tawakal adalah tangga kejayaan..i will never give up..
to my baby sarah...i will try to give my best to u now and forever..
to SS...i love u!hanya Allah yg dapat balas jasa baik kamu jaga sarah and xperrrrrrrnah merungut lgsg pasai isteri kamu busy study!hehehehehehe,...kamu adalah kecintaan ku!
Protected: The Crimson Tide and the Abyss
5 days ago
Penat jerih berbalas jua! Congrates babeh!!!! Weh 4 flat ka?? syoknya!!! It's worth all the pains and tears!
Beb, Jalabiya tu apa?
congrate!u deserve to get what have u done..hopefully next sem u will get the better result..
nana::: xdak la 4flat weisss...ahahhahahaha..theres As and B+ ..alhamdulillah..p google apa dia jalabiya..ahahaha
nurul: hye nurul!!!!awak cm mana???sure gempak!hehe..alhamdulillah..kita kan studying mom..xsanka kan kita bleh buat..Allah tau kita berusaha..hehehe
Wah.. Tahniah.. cuak beriya na aritu padahal terer nih.. hehee.. semoga terus sukses sukses dan sukses!!!!!!!!!!!!
aja!!!!hehehe..menagis mcm nak gila!aahahahahah...SS slalu dok ckp "kamu menangis mengalahkan apa..tapi tgk2 bleh buat pun"...ahahahahha
bayaran for master..menangis sampai banjir BBB!ahahaha
alhamdulillah...dah nak start sem dah..i am happy to meet my mates..sem depan aku akan menangis lagi..ahahahaa..sila tunggu panggilan dari aku dgn penuh tangisan..huhuhu
tau takpa..aku pun naik cuak kedondong dengar citer hang biler time2 exam tu.. master is horror..horror is master.. tp rupanya tak horror utk manusia2 yang bijak mcm hang!!! yeaahhh!! heheeee
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